IMD 295 Integrated Media Design Capstone

Integrated Media Design Capstone is a culminating, interdisciplinary design-based course providing students the opportunity to work in a real-world setting; allows for a variety of job shadowing opportunities while being mentored by Art and Design faculty.  Student design teams are assigned projects to which they apply the iterative design process, develop and test functional requirements, conceptualize design deliverables, prototype and present their final designs.  Collectively working with Art and Design faculty, students develop leadership skills, expand on positive team dynamics, focus on project and time management skills, refine proactive communication methodologies, and promptly submit planned, deadline-based deliverables while adhering to both scope and sequence of the assigned project.  At the end of the semester, student design teams professionally display and present their projects to the sponsor(s) and Art and Design faculty for both portfolio and critique purposes. 12 (6 laboratory hours) Note: In addition to tuition, this course requires an additional variable tuition rate.




36 credits in ART and/or IMD course work or instructor approval.