Tuition Rate Chargebacks

In-District Students Planning to Attend Another Community College

LLCC will pay the non-resident portion of tuition at another Illinois public community college to permit a student to attend that college at the college's in-district tuition rate. Request forms are available from the office of Admission, Records and Registration. To qualify for an LLCC-paid chargeback, a student must:

  • be a resident of the LLCC district;
  • enter a degree or certificate program not available through LLCC;
  • be otherwise admissible to the program; and
  • submit the completed chargeback request no later than 30 days before the start of the term in which the chargeback would apply.

The requested program chargeback must meet all Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) guidelines for chargeback approval. Chargebacks are not approved to colleges outside of the Comprehensive Agreement regarding the Expansion of Educational Resources (CAREERS) agreement if a college within the CAREERS agreement offers the program. The request is reviewed and approved/denied by the director of Admissions. The student will be notified by mail of the decision. All approved and denied chargebacks are kept on file for reference. (Board Policy 5.17)

Out-of-District Students Planning to Attend Lincoln Land Community College

A student who is a resident of another Illinois community college district who plans to attend LLCC may attend LLCC at the in-district rate. To qualify for a chargeback from their home community college district, a student must:

  • be a resident of the home community college district;
  • enter a program at LLCC that is not available through the home community college district;
  • be otherwise admissible to the program at LLCC; and
  • submit the completed chargeback request no later than 30 days before the start of the term in which the chargeback would apply. Request forms and information are available from the home community college district.

The requested program chargeback must meet all Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) guidelines for chargeback approval.

Cooperative Agreements

Interdistrict cooperative agreements exist between Lincoln Land Community College and other community colleges. Under these agreements, usually no chargebacks or out-of-district fees are required of students enrolling in the designated program of study. A cooperative agreement authorization must be completed and submitted to the college that the student plans to attend. For more information on chargebacks, please call the Records Office at 217-786-4956.