Tuition and Fees


Please reference for tuition costs. Some courses have a variable tuition rate in excess of the standard in-district rate.

All Illinois residents without chargeback authority and all out-of-state students pay additional tuition charges which will be revised based on per capita costs as defined in Illinois statute. Auxiliary program registration fees are not considered tuition and are subject to the registration fees established per semester.


Activity Fee

An activity fee is collected by the College to support numerous programs and services available to all students through the Student Life Office. Activity fees also support student clubs and organizations and are allocated through the Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee and the Student Government Association.

Rates are:

Activity fee See
In-district residents, age 65 or older No activity fee charge

Classroom support/technology fee — See

Infrastructure fee — An infrastructure fee is collected by the college to support repairs and improvements to college-owned facilities. This fee supports the college’s commitment to provide an environment conducive to learning.

Other Course Fees

Special course fees related to contractual obligations, off-campus facilities and other circumstances also may be charged. Auxiliary program registration fees are established for each class each semester. Please refer to the community section of the schedule for specific fees and/or charges.

Service charges (non-refundable)
General admission No charge
Transcripts $7 – payable to Parchment
Commencement Cap and gown rental
Proficiency test $10 per test
Proficiency credit In-district tuition per credit hour granted
External licensing certification $50
Late registration fee (after session begins) $20
Service fee on all returned checks $15
Library overdue charge $ 5

Fee policies stated are subject to Board of Trustees approval.

Billing and Due Dates for Tuition and Fees

All tuition and applicable fees for on-campus and off-campus courses are billed through the Admission and Registration Office on the Springfield campus. Tuition due date periods for each semester are published online. Students who do not pay their tuition and fees in full or have not been awarded financial aid of any kind by the assigned due date are automatically dropped from their classes. Students who register after the first meeting of a class are assessed a late registration fee of $20. This fee applies to any and all students who register after the first class meeting.

Tuition and Fee Refund

Students who officially withdraw from a course(s) prior to the published refund deadline of any semester receive a refund of 100 percent of tuition and course fees paid. Refunds for a course(s) with a shorter schedule, e.g. module or summer session, are made on a pro-rata basis.

In the event a course is cancelled, all paid tuition and fees are refunded.

No refund will be made to students who are withdrawn from any course for disciplinary reasons or absenteeism (Board Policy 5.18). No refund shall be made of activity fees or other special service fees except when a course is cancelled.

  1. If a student-initiated schedule change reduces the total amount of tuition and fees, 100 percent of the difference shall be refunded, if the change is completed prior to the published refund deadline of any semester.
  2. Other provisions:
  • A change of schedule initiated by the college results in a 100 percent refund.
  • Refunds for courses with a shorter schedule, e.g. modules or summer sessions are made on a pro-rata basis.
  • Failure to attend classes does not constitute a schedule change or withdrawal and does not entitle students to a refund.

A full refund will be issued when Community Learning workshops/classes are full or cancelled. Participants can transfer fees to another Community Learning program, workshop or class. A full refund may be requested up to seven days prior to the first day of class.

Tuition Payment Plan

Tuition payment plans are administered by Nelnet Business Solutions. The time that the student sets up the payment plan will dictate which plan is available. Payments will be automatically deducted from the checking/savings account or credit/debit card designated when the plan is set up. Nelnet charges a nonrefundable $25 enrollment fee per semester, which is withdrawn from the bank account or credit/debit card. Nelnet will continue to deduct payments from the designated bank account or credit/debit card for classes not dropped by the 100 percent refund deadline. Students may create a payment plan by going to

Adding or Withdrawing Courses/Schedule Changes

Adding Course(s): Students may add a course(s) to their schedule before the semester begins or during the first week in a regular college semester or term (late registration). In special and unusual circumstances, the Vice President of Student Services, or the Vice President’s designee, may, after consultation with the relevant faculty member and the appropriate dean, authorize a registration after the late registration period. A late fee shall be assessed if the student adds a course(s) after the first meeting (Board Policy 5.42).

Adding courses may be done in person or by phone at the Springfield campus or at any one of the Outreach Centers during the regular business hours of each location or by using WebAdvisor.

Withdrawing from Course(s): Students may officially withdraw from course(s) up to one full week before the last day of classes in a regular college semester or term. After the first week of class a student will receive a grade of “W.” Shorter term courses will have a proportionate withdrawal period. Refunds shall be in accordance with Board Policy 5.18, Tuition and Fee Refund, and the grade recorded at the time of withdrawal shall be in accordance with Board Policy 5.8, Grades Given Upon Withdrawal (Board Policy 5.42).

Withdrawing from courses may be done in person or by phone at the Springfield campus or at any Outreach Centers during the regular business hours of each location. Students are advised to discuss impact of withdrawing from courses with the Office of Financial Aid before withdrawing from all courses.

Tuition Rate Chargebacks

In-District Students Planning to Attend Another Community College

LLCC will pay the non-resident portion of tuition at another Illinois public community college to permit a student to attend that college at the college's in-district tuition rate. Request forms are available from the office of Admission, Records and Registration. To qualify for an LLCC-paid chargeback, a student must:

  • be a resident of the LLCC district;
  • enter a degree or certificate program not available through LLCC;
  • be otherwise admissible to the program; and
  • submit the completed chargeback request no later than 30 days before the start of the term in which the chargeback would apply.

The requested program chargeback must meet all Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) guidelines for chargeback approval. Chargebacks are not approved to colleges outside of the Comprehensive Agreement regarding the Expansion of Educational Resources (CAREERS) agreement if a college within the CAREERS agreement offers the program. The request is reviewed and approved/denied by the director of Admissions. The student will be notified by mail of the decision. All approved and denied chargebacks are kept on file for reference. (Board Policy 5.17)

Out-of-District Students Planning to Attend Lincoln Land Community College

A student who is a resident of another Illinois community college district who plans to attend LLCC may attend LLCC at the in-district rate. To qualify for a chargeback from their home community college district, a student must:

  • be a resident of the home community college district;
  • enter a program at LLCC that is not available through the home community college district;
  • be otherwise admissible to the program at LLCC; and
  • submit the completed chargeback request no later than 30 days before the start of the term in which the chargeback would apply. Request forms and information are available from the home community college district.

The requested program chargeback must meet all Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) guidelines for chargeback approval.

Cooperative Agreements

Interdistrict cooperative agreements exist between Lincoln Land Community College and other community colleges. Under these agreements, usually no chargebacks or out-of-district fees are required of students enrolling in the designated program of study. A cooperative agreement authorization must be completed and submitted to the college that the student plans to attend. For more information on chargebacks, please call the Records Office at 217-786-4956.


In order to qualify for in-district tuition rates, any student shall be a resident of the district at the time of registration. Any student who moves into the district for the purpose of enrolling at in-district tuition rates shall not be considered a resident of the district. When the residency of a student or prospective student is not clear, the proof of residency may be required. Any student who changes residency during the school year shall immediately report such change to the Admission, Records and Registration Office. If such change of address shall cause a change in the applicable tuition rate, then the new tuition rate shall take effect at the beginning of the next academic semester, module or summer term (Board Policy 5.16).

When appropriate, based on a student's application for admission, the student is asked to fill out residency questionnaire forms at the time of admission to the college. Based on information concerning, age, length of time at current address, previous address, current driver's license information, current employment status and tax dependent status, a residency classification will be determined by the director of Admissions, Records and Registration following Illinois Community College Board guidelines. Student residency classification will be by mail notification.

International Students

International students’ residency and rate of tuition are based on residency requirements and the type of visa held. International students providing proof of current, valid Resident Alien or Refugee/Asylum status may be eligible for in-district residency classification.

Student Financial Obligations

Students shall discharge all financial and other obligations to the district prior to registering for the next semester. These obligations include but are not limited to overdue library book fines, tuition, student fees, bookstore charges and Child Development Center fees. Failure to satisfy such obligations may result in the withholding of transcripts, grade reports and letters of honorable dismissal (Board Policy 5.19).

Financial Assistance

Students who need or are entitled to financial assistance for attendance at LLCC will find help in the Financial Aid office. The Financial Aid office is responsible for administering traditional federal and state financial aid programs including grants, loans and work-study. The Financial Aid office also administers programs benefiting many students including veterans, scholarship recipients, and students with disabilities. Many programs administered by the Financial Aid office have limited funds. Students who apply early have a much better chance of obtaining all the assistance for which they might be eligible. Some federal and state financial aid programs have minimum semester credit hour enrollment requirements. Additional information and application assistance are available through the LLCC Financial Aid office, 217-786-2237 or 800-727-4161, ext. 62237.

Return of Funds

Students who receive federal financial aid are considered to “earn” financial aid by attending and/or completing coursework. Federal financial aid recipients withdrawing from the college (i.e., withdrawing from and/or ceasing attendance in all classes) before the 60 percent point of the semester has been reached:

  • will have a determination made of the amount of federal aid earned;
  • will be billed for institutional charges not paid by financial aid; and
  • may owe a repayment of federal aid from funds that have been disbursed to them.

Refunds for all other types of assistance (i.e., state, private resources, scholarships) will follow the college’s refund policy and guidelines of the grantor.

Deadlines for Registering for Classes to Receive Financial Aid

Students are awarded financial aid based upon their enrollment status. A student's enrollment status for grants is determined by counting the eligible credit hours in which a student is enrolled as of the last day to add semester-length courses. All courses that are added after that point, including late start courses and MOD courses, are not considered for financial aid.

Federal and State Financial Aid

Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility for the following state and federal grants, loans and work-study. Contact the LLCC Financial Aid office for assistance.


Monetary Award Program — Illinois Student Assistance Commission

The MAP grant provides payment toward tuition and mandatory fees to eligible students enrolled in at least three credit hours who are Illinois residents for at least one year prior to the start of the academic year. The grant does not pay for books or supplies.

Federal Pell Grant Program

Based on financial need, this federal program entitles eligible students to receive funds to be applied toward educational expenses.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants

Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants are available from federal funds for undergraduate students exhibiting the most financial need who are enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours. Funding is contingent upon congressional appropriations, and awards are made until funds are depleted.

Federal Work-Study Program

Funds are provided by the federal government to provide part-time jobs for students who have financial need. Jobs are available in almost every campus department.

In addition, employment opportunities other than Federal Work-Study are available through the Career Development Services Office.


William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans

A Federal Direct Student Loan is a low-interest loan made to a student by the government for educational expenses. The direct loan has a lower than market interest rate. Borrowers must be enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours. Repayment begins six months after the student is enrolled less than half-time.

Federal Direct PLUS Loans

PLUS loans provide additional funds for educational expenses. Parents of dependent students may borrow up to the cost of attendance less all other financial aid. Parents must be credit worthy to obtain a PLUS loan. See the LLCC financial aid web page for additional application procedures.

Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Policy

I. Authority

In accordance with the U.S. Department of Education and State of Illinois student aid regulations, LLCC is required to establish minimum standards of Academic Progress to qualify for federal and state financial aid. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that students are making progress toward the completion of their education program. The College's Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy is subject to change without notice to comply with federal or state regulations, or LLCC Board of Trustees policy or action. For the most current Satisfactory Academic Progress policy, visit Aid/.

II. Financial Aid Programs Covered

The SAP policy applies to students who are requesting or receiving funds from the following federal and state financial aid programs: Federal PELL Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant, Federal Work Study, Federal Direct Student and Parent Loans, Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP) grant.

III. Minimum Academic Standards Requirements

The SAP policy measures a student's academic progress in three ways. Students must meet all three standards (grade point average (GPA), completion rate and maximum time frame) to receive financial assistance.

A. Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)

You must maintain the following minimum GPA:

Cumulative Hours—Minimum GPA Cumulative Hours—Minimum GPA
1-11 hours 1.50 23-33 hours 1.85
12-22 hours 1.70 34 or more hours 2.00

B. Cumulative Completion Rate

Students must successfully complete a cumulative minimum of 66.66 percent of all credit hours. All credit hours as outlined in section IV A. are included. Only grades of A, B, C, D and P are considered successful completion for 100 level or higher courses. A grade of A, B, C or P is considered successful completion for developmental courses. Grades of I, W, WP, WF, SP, RP and F are not considered successful completion.

C. Maximum Time Frame

You must complete your academic program with 150 percent of attempted credit hours relative to credit hours required to complete the program. All credits hours as outlined in section IV A are included with the exception of up to 30 developmental credit hours.

Examples of 150 percent Maximum Time Frame:

Credit hours required to Complete Academic Program Number of Attempted Credit Hours Eligible for Financial Aid
24 36
60 90

Students with Degrees

Students who have already completed an associate or higher degree are no longer eligible for financial aid. Students with degrees may appeal. See section VII regarding appeals.

IV. Scope of Evaluation

A. Courses Included in Evaluating Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Status

Per federal regulations, all credit hours on your LLCC transcript including:

  1. those that financial aid did not pay for;
  2. credit hours forgiven by the LLCC academic renewal policy;
  3. dual credit hours;
  4. courses with a grade of RP (not counted for GPA);
  5. transfer hours as presented on the LLCC transcript (all transfer hours are grouped together and considered as one term); and
  6. all developmental hours with the exception of MAT 081/082 (developmental hours are not calculated in the GPA).

B. Courses NOT Included in Evaluating SAP Status

Vocational studies (for example, prefixes ABE, ASE, AHH, AIT, BPS, NUR, OIT), continuing education courses, and audit courses are not eligible for financial aid and are not counted for financial aid purposes including satisfactory progress.

C. Repeats

Students may receive aid for repeating a course in which an F or W was earned. Students may appeal to receive aid for the first repeat of a course in which a D was earned or if a student is required to have a more recent retake of the course due to a time limitation. Students must use the established procedure for appealing to gain eligibility for a course repeat. All course repeats are counted to determine Satisfactory Academic Progress.

V. Frequency of Evaluation

The academic progress of degree-seeking students will be evaluated at the end of summer, fall and spring semesters.

VI. Good, Warning, Suspension and/or Maximum Time Frame and Probation Status

  1. Financial Aid Eligible Status (Good): Students who have no academic record or who meet the standards in Section III of these procedures may receive financial aid if otherwise eligible. Eligible students are often referred to as being in good status.
  2. Warning Status: Students previously in good status and who fail to meet the standards in Section III are placed in warning status. Students in warning status may receive financial aid if otherwise eligible.
  3. Suspension Status: Students previously in warning status who fail to meet the standards in Section III, or who are on probation status and fail to meet the terms of their probation are placed on suspension status and are not eligible to receive financial aid, including loans.
  4. Probation Status: Students who have a suspension appeal or a maximum time frame appeal granted are placed in probation status and eligible for financial aid for one semester. If after that semester the student does not meet the terms of his/her probation, they become ineligible for financial aid. Students who comply with the terms of their probation will continue to be eligible for financial aid if otherwise eligible.
  5. Students who at any time exceed the maximum time frame status (150 percent) or earn a degree will no longer be eligible for financial aid, including loans. Note that students exceeding the maximum time frame status may be suspended without benefit of a warning term.

VII. Appeal of Suspension and Maximum Time Frame Status

Students who are in suspension status may appeal their eligibility for financial aid based on circumstances beyond a student's control, such as death of a relative, serious injury or lengthy illness. In order to appeal, students must submit the Financial Aid Suspension Appeal form and all documents as required on the form.

Students who have exceeded the maximum time frame or have earned an associate degree or higher may appeal by completing the Petition to Receive Financial Aid beyond the Maximum Limit and submitting all documents required on the form.

Note: Students will be notified of the SAP Appeals Committee's decision within 30 days of the submission of the appeal. Students may have to pay tuition, fees and books out of pocket while awaiting the outcome of the appeal.

Granting appeals for summer semester is at the discretion of the SAP Appeals Committee.

Submission of appeals that have been previously denied two times will be reviewed at the discretion of the appeals committee.

The decision of the SAP Appeals Committee is final.

The review of repeat appeals is at the discretion of the SAP Appeals Committee.

Students may also earn their way back to good standing by attaining a cumulative 2.0 GPA and a 66.66 percent completion rate.

VIII. Notification of Status

The Financial Aid Office will notify you when you are in warning, suspension and/or maximum time frame and probation status. However, it is the student's responsibility to know their status and if eligible for financial aid.

IX. Notice

The College's SAP policy is subject to change without notice to comply with federal or state regulation, or LLCC Board of Trustees policy or action.

For the most current Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, visit

LLCC Military Benefits

Veterans Affairs

The Veterans Affairs Office provides services to LLCC students eligible for federal and state benefits. Application assistance and information are available for veterans benefits, the Illinois Veterans Grant, Illinois National Guard Grant and the MIA/POW scholarship. Call 217-786-2216 or 800-727-4161, ext. 62216 for more information.

Veterans Benefits

Monthly cash benefits as well as employment are available for eligible veterans. Employment is available both on and off campus. Benefits are also available for eligible members of the National Guard and Reserves.

Illinois Veterans Grant

The Illinois Veterans Grant pays in-state tuition and eligible fees for a period equivalent to four calendar years at any state-funded institution. Eligibility is based on Illinois residency before and after military service rather than on financial need or academic achievement. Illinois veterans who served honorably in the Armed Forces may qualify. For further information, contact the LLCC Office of Veterans Affairs or the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.

Illinois National Guard Grant

Members of the Illinois National Guard who have served at least one year and who are currently in the Guard may apply for a grant for in-state tuition and eligible fees for eight semesters of full- or part-time study. If applicants cease to be members of the Illinois National Guard, the educational benefits are terminated as of the Guard termination date. Applications are available in the LLCC Office of Veterans Affairs or by contacting the unit commander.

MIA/POW Scholarship

The scholarship pays in-state tuition and eligible fees for spouses or children of veterans declared by the Veterans Administration to be a prisoner of war or missing in action, or who died as a result of a service-connected disability or have a permanent 100 percent service-connected disability. Children must begin using the scholarship prior to their 26th birthday.

Satisfactory Progress Policy For Military Benefits

Definition of Satisfactory Progress

Students receiving the Veterans benefits, Illinois Veterans Grant (IVG), Illinois National Guard Grant (ING) and the MIA-POW Scholarship must make satisfactory academic progress each semester. Satisfactory progress is determined by the following cumulative grade point average (GPA) standard that follows.

Cumulative GPA Standard

Students must maintain the specified cumulative grade point average (GPA):

6-11 hours attempted minimum GPA of 1.50
12-22 hours attempted minimum GPA of 1.70
23-33 hours attempted minimum GPA of 1.85
34 or more hours attempted minimum GPA of 2.00

The college’s official grade point average is used to determine student status and does not include developmental coursework. Developmental hours are only considered under Reinstatement of Eligibility after Suspension below.

Repeating a Course for VA Benefits

Veterans benefits will not pay benefits to students repeating courses in which the original grade was a D or better unless a grade of C or better is required for advancement to the next level or for graduation.


The college may place students on academic probation after they have attempted six or more semester credit hours at the college or at other institutions of higher education. Such students shall be on academic probation if their cumulative grade point average does not meet or exceed the standards of satisfactory progress.

Students who are on probation must see an academic advisor for approval of their proposed course schedule prior to registration. Students on probation may not register for more than 12 semester credit hours in a regular semester (or six during summer term).


If a student on probation attains a semester grade point average of at least 2.0 but does not yet raise the cumulative grade point average to the level listed above, probation shall be continued for another semester. If a student who is on academic probation fails to achieve at least a 2.0 semester grade point average during a semester, and also fails to bring his or her cumulative grade point average to a level that meets or exceeds the applicable standard for academic probation as set forth above, then such student shall be suspended for one semester (or one summer term plus one semester, in the case of a suspension at the end of spring semester). An appeal process shall be available to students on academic suspension so as to allow re-enrollment pending approval of and student compliance with reinstatement requirements. See appropriate college personnel.

Students on academic suspension shall not receive any financial aid.

This process can be started by contacting the Learning Lab at 217-786-2396. Upon review by the college of such appeal and any mitigating circumstances, the student may be allowed to enroll with a restricted status.

Military Benefits Appeals Procedure

A student may appeal his/her military benefits suspension (cumulative GPA requirement), if he/she feels his/her progress was affected by unusual circumstances. Appeals must be in writing to the LLCC Office of Veteran Affairs. Documentation of the unusual circumstances must accompany your appeal. You must also demonstrate that your unusual circumstance(s) have been remedied. Contact the VA Office regarding appeal forms and deadlines.

Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program

Students eligible for WIOA (economically disadvantaged or dislocated – laid off) receive services from the Financial Aid Office. Orientation, workshops, employment assistance and follow-up services are available. Eligibility for the WIOA is determined at each county WIOA office. LLCC is a certified training provider for WIOA with numerous certificate and degree programs that students may enroll in to prepare for a future job. Additionally, LLCC is a partner with Illinois WorkNet locations throughout the district to provide education and employment assistance. For information, call 217-786-2344.

LLCC Foundation Scholarships

Lincoln Land Community College has many scholarship opportunities for students. Each year through the LLCC Foundation, generous community businesses, organizations, individuals and friends of the college support LLCC students.

LLCC Foundation scholarships are available for both first-time and continuing students who are enrolled full- or part-time at LLCC. Many of these scholarships are for students in any major; some require a specific major. Most scholarships have a stated grade point average (GPA) based on a 4.0 scale and a minimum number of LLCC credit hours that must be completed each semester. There is one application for all scholarships. Students submitting a complete application are considered for all available scholarships for which they are eligible.

For more information on LLCC Foundation scholarships and the application process, visit, stop by the LLCC Foundation in Menard Hall, or call 217-786-4502.

See LLCC Foundation for more information.