
Admission to Lincoln Land Community College shall be open to all who apply and can benefit from any of the programs offered. The college and the student accept responsibility for placement of the student in courses and programs for which the student demonstrates academic preparedness. A student may demonstrate preparedness for college-level work through a variety of means, including high school GPA as listed on the transcript, ACCUPLACER Next Generation exams, performance on the American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), and coursework completed at the college level. Participation in credit-bearing course work at the collegiate level is open to all who are 16 years of age or older and demonstrate their level of preparedness. For a student who meets all admissions criteria, but who initially does not demonstrate preparedness for college-level work, the college reserves the right to restrict access to certain courses and programs and affirms its commitment to helping the student achieve preparedness.

In special circumstances, the Vice President of Student Services (or the Vice President’s designee) in conjunction with the Vice President of Academic Services (or the Vice President’s designee) may, with mutual agreement of affected faculty, authorize admission to the college and registration into college-level coursework by students who do not meet all admission criteria (Board Policy 5.11).

A high school transcript is required to verify satisfactory completion of the math prerequisite of one year of high school geometry, pre-calculus or the science prerequisite of biology.

Admission forms are available online at A paper copy of the admission form is available from the Admission and Registration Office of Lincoln Land Community College, phone 217-786-2292, fax 217-786-2492 or by contacting a local high school counselor. Admission forms are also available at LLCC Outreach Centers. Completed forms should be submitted to the Admission and Registration Office. There is no fee.

Prospective students must submit an admission form either prior to or at the time of their first registration. This school is authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant students.

Admission to Health Professions Programs

Chapter 112, Section 103-17, of the Illinois Public Community College Act requires that whenever enrollment in a program must be restricted because of space limitations, a college must give preference to district residents. These regulations apply to the following Health Professions programs:

Neurodiagnostic Technology, Nursing, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Practical Nurse, Radiography, Respiratory Care, Surgical Technology, Medical Coding, LPN to ADN transition.

Consequently, admissions to Health Professions programs for students who live outside of LLCC District 526 vary per program based on space availability and qualified applicant pool. For program specific admissions criteria, contact Health Professions advising staff, Springfield campus.

General Requirements

Students applying to an allied health program must meet all admission requirements before their application can be considered for admission into the desired health care field. Students in programs which require a clinical practicum must have proof of a physical examination by a private physician recorded on a form provided by the college.

International Student Admission

Admission advising is available in the Admission and Registration Office for international students of several classifications (F-1, B-1, J-1, H, immigrants, refugees). Services are also available to students who must comply with Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) laws. This school is authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant students.

INS documents are available from the Admission and Records Office - some for prospective students, and others for currently enrolled students:

I-20 Entry Document for Foreign Student

I-506 Change of Alien Classification

I-538 Application for Extension of Stay and Work Permission

I-539 Application to Extend Temporary Stay

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) Application

To be issued an I-20, prospective international students must submit the following:

  • a $75 USD application fee is required with the I-20 application. The $75 (U.S. funds) fee is payable to Lincoln Land Community College. Students requesting changes to a completed I-20 must submit an additional $75 fee.
  • LLCC admission form and International Student application, available from the Records Office and online at;
  • transcripts, translated into English, from all secondary and post-secondary institutions attended; transcripts must be evaluated by a foreign educational credential evaluation agency. Forms for the foreign educational credential evaluation are available in the Records Office;
  • TOEFL score of at least 550 or 173 on computer based or 61 on Internet-based TOEFL test;
  • affidavit of financial support and, if applicable, sponsor support and any related documents. The affidavit format requirements are available in the Admission Guide for International Students available from the Records Office and online; and
  • insurance is required for athletes. Proof of required health insurance must be on file in the Records Office within 30 days of arrival in district. Insurance is recommended for non-athletes.
  • copy of current passport

Admission of international students is on an individual basis. It is highly recommended that all prospective students from a country other than the United States contact the Admission and Registration Office at LLCC one year in advance of the date they hope to begin studies so that credentials can be received and evaluated, financial arrangements can be made, visas and passports arranged and any other documentation can be prepared.

To meet INS requirements, all F-1 students must enroll in at least 12 semester hours of coursework. Also, prior to admission, international students must show evidence of financial support for at least one year's expenses. Therefore, international students are expected to pay tuition in full at the time of registration. Please reference for tuition costs for international students, or contact the Admission and Registration Office. Although most international students are ineligible for state and federal financial aid, students with refugee or resident alien status may be eligible to receive financial assistance.

Special Admissions

Students under the age of 16 who have not yet graduated high school or achieved a GED who wish to enroll in college credit courses are encouraged to take advantage of this early start option through our Special Admissions. The Special Admissions process requires students to follow the established admission, placement and registration procedures as required of all students new to LLCC. This includes submitting an admission form (with parent/guardian signature), providing current high school/home school transcripts, meeting ACT/SAT or placement score requirements and course prerequisites.

Transfer Program Admission

Because of state regulations, students who apply to Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS), Associate in Engineering Science (AES) or Associate in Fine Arts (AFA) degree transfer programs will be accepted to the college, but may be admitted to the program on a provisional basis until certain minimum entrance requirements are satisfied.

Minimum program admission requirements reflect the provisions of Illinois state law (Public Act 86-0954). This act specifies that 15 units of high school coursework or the equivalent are required for admission to all public institutions. This Act affects students at LLCC who wish to be admitted to Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Engineering Science or Associate in Fine Arts programs. Minimum entrance requirements for all students who wish to enroll in these transfer programs are described as follows:

  • four years of English — written and oral communications, literature
  • three years of mathematics — minimum of one year of algebra I, one year of geometry and one year of algebra II (intermediate algebra)
  • two years of science — laboratory science
  • two years of social studies — history and/or government
  • two years of electives — foreign language, music, art or vocational education
  • two flexible academic units — two additional courses (years) from any one or two of the science, social studies and/or electives categories in addition to approved courses in mathematics and English — such as advanced mathematics, computer science, journalism, speech and creative writing

This requirement pertains only to AA, AS, AES and AFA degree transfer programs. It does not affect the career programs (AAS or certificates) or the General Studies program.