
Instructors establish their own individual course grading systems, evaluation methods, and course policies. These become official letter grades when reported by the instructor at the end of the semester. Letter grades promote meaningful evaluation of student achievement, inform students of academic progress, and assess students’ readiness to advance. Officially reported and transcribed letter grades at LLCC represent the following:

A OVERALL: Excellent performance

Exceptional command and understanding of subject matter

Outstanding development of skills, including communication

Clear evidence of critical and/or creative thinking

B OVERALL: Very good performance

Advanced command and understanding of subject matter

Above average development of most skills, including communication

Evidence of critical and or/creative thinking

C OVERALL: Satisfactory performance

Acceptable command and understanding of subject matter

Average development of basic skills, including communication

Some evidence of critical and/or creative thinking

Adequate preparation to move to more advanced work in the field

D OVERALL: Minimally acceptable performance

Minimal command and understanding of subject matter

Some basic skills, including communication, not attained

Poorly developed evidence of critical and/or creative thinking

Lack of readiness to continue in the field

F OVERALL: Unacceptable performance

Inadequate command and understanding of subject matter

Most skills, including communication, cannot be demonstrated

Little or no evidence of critical and/or creative thinking

P Satisfactory completion

W Withdraw

I Incomplete

SP Satisfactory progress

AU Audit

AP Advanced Placement [Equivalent to a minimum grade of C]

CL CLEP Note: does not satisfy the lab science requirement for BIO 101, CHE 101, ASD 101

PR Proficiency

TR Transfer Credit [Equivalent to a minimum grade of C]

The following system of grades appears on transcripts and grade reports:

Grade Grade Point
A* 4.00
B* 3.00
C* 2.00
D* 1.00
F* 0.00
P 0.00
W 0.00
I 0.00
SP** 0.00

* Used in computation of grade point average with the exception of grades earned in developmental courses, such as  EGL 100, and RDG 099, after August 1, 1986.

** The grade of SP may be awarded to students who have not yet completed all the requirements but are making satisfactory progress in developmental courses. A student receiving a grade of SP is expected to re-enroll in the course and complete the requirements necessary to receive a grade and credit.

Except as may be otherwise provided by Board policy, grades shall be posted online for each student at the end of the semester. Students may request in writing that a final grade report be mailed.