Lincoln Land Community College Trustees

Gordon Gates, Chair
2508 Country Club Drive
Springfield, IL 62704
Trustee District 3
Wayne Rosenthal, Vice Chair
209 South Monroe Street
Morrisonville, IL 62546
Trustee District 4
Samantha Enz, Secretary
450 West Cook Street
Springfield, IL 62704
Trustee District 1
Vicki Davis, Ed.D. 
417 Bice Lane
Riverton, IL 62702
Trustee District 2
Ken Elmore
3311 East Waggoner Avenue
Waggoner, IL 62572
Trustee District 7
Jeff Fulgenzi
413 Aintree Chase
Sherman, IL 62684
Trustee District 5
Mark Holaway
214 Massey Lane
Jacksonville, IL 62650
Trustee District 6
Braden Nicoll
Student Trustee

As of April 2024

Eight persons serve on Lincoln Land Community College’s Board of Trustees, seven elected by subdistrict within the college district and the eighth elected from among students of the college. The board members represent residents of the college district to assure that the college is providing programs and services that meet the educational needs of the communities within the district. The board operates in accordance with the guidelines established under the Illinois Public Community College Act and functions as the college’s policy-making body. Board of Trustees meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, except for the months of November and December. Locations, meeting times and agendas are available at Meetings are open to the public.