Satisfactory Progress Policy For Military Benefits

Definition of Satisfactory Progress

Students receiving the Veterans benefits, Illinois Veterans Grant (IVG), Illinois National Guard Grant (ING) and the MIA-POW Scholarship must make satisfactory academic progress each semester. Satisfactory progress is determined by the following cumulative grade point average (GPA) standard that follows.

Cumulative GPA Standard

Students must maintain the specified cumulative grade point average (GPA):

5-11 hours attempted minimum GPA of 1.50
12-22 hours attempted minimum GPA of 1.70
23-33 hours attempted minimum GPA of 1.85
34 or more hours attempted minimum GPA of 2.00

The college’s official grade point average is used to determine student status and does not include developmental coursework. Developmental hours are only considered under Reinstatement of Eligibility after Suspension below.

Repeating a Course for VA Benefits

Veterans benefits will not pay benefits to students repeating courses in which the original grade was a D or better unless a grade of C or better is required for advancement to the next level or for graduation.


Students who do not make satisfactory progress are placed on military benefits warning for the next semester of enrollment.  WARNING is a notice to a student that he/she has failed to meet the GPA standard and risks losing assistance in the future unless the GPA standard is met.  

During a warning term, students may continue toreceive benefits, provided other eligibility requreiments are met.  Students who fail to meet the cumulative GPA standard while on warning, but receive at least a 2.0 term GPA, will be placed on Continued Warning.  If the student fails to meet term GPA at the end of a warning term, his/her miliatry assistance will be suspended.


Reinstatement of Eligibility after Suspension

A student has two ways to reinstate eligibility for military benefits after suspension:

  1. Increase his/her cumulative GPA to meet the cumulative standard.
  2. A student whose performance was affected by unusual circumstances may appeal.  See Below.

Military Benefits Appeals Procedure

A student may appeal his/her military benefits suspension (cumulative GPA requirement), if he/she feels his/her progress was affected by unusual circumstances. Appeals must be in writing to the LLCC Office of Veteran Affairs. Documentation of the unusual circumstances must accompany your appeal. You must also demonstrate that your unusual circumstance(s) have been remedied. Contact the VA Office regarding appeal forms and deadlines.