
Lincoln Land Community College offers three types of degrees:

Transfer Career-Technical General Purpose


Multiple Degrees

Students may earn multiple degrees and multiple certificates at Lincoln Land Community College. Any combination of degrees and certificates shall be acceptable, except that only one transfer degree from each category may be awarded.

In order for a student to earn an additional degree, he or she must successfully complete a minimum of 20 semester hours of credit beyond those required for the most recent degree earned (Board Policy 4.6).


General Education Group Requirements For:

AA—Associate in Arts AS—Associate in Science
AES — Associate in Engineering Science AFA— Associate in Fine Arts
AAS—Associate in Applied Science AGE—Associate in General Education

Credit Hours Required

Transfer Degree Vocational-Technical General Purpose
Group I: Communication 9* 9* 6 9* ** 6
Group II: Social Science 9 6 3 3-6 ** 6
Group III: Humanities/Fine Arts 9 6 0 6 ** 3
Group IV: Science and Math 10 16 22 10-11 ** 6
Minimum Gen Ed Hours 37 37 31 28-29 15 21
Group V: Electives 23 23 34 32-34 45+*** 39
TOTAL CREDIT HOURS 60 60 65 60-63 60+ 60

* CMN 101, EGL 101 and EGL 102 are required.

** A minimum of 15 general education hours earned in at least three general education groups.

*** Completion of a specific vocational-technical program