Explanation of Terms

ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT—A unit giving instruction in particular disciplines or academic programs.

ASSOCIATE DEGREE—Awarded to a student who has completed at least 60 semester hours as outlined for the degree in the college catalog.

AUDITING—Registering for and attending class(es) regularly without earning grades or credits—tuition and fees are the same as for regular enrollment, and regular attendance is expected. Initial enrollment as an audit student or changes from audit to credit or vice versa, may be affected only during the 100 percent refund period for that specific term.

CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT—Awarded to students who complete requirements for a specific program of 30 or more semester hours but fewer than 60 semester hours.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION—Awarded to students who complete requirements for a specific program of less than 30 semester hours.

CREDIT BY EXAMINATION—Course credit is granted upon successful completion of a standardized test such as AP (Advanced Placement), CLEP (College Level Examination Program) or Proficiency Exam.

DEVELOPMENTAL COURSE—Developmental courses are designed to help a student improve basic education skills. Developmental courses do not count toward graduation and are not designed for transfer credit.

ELECTIVE—Any course not specifically required for a program of study; however, counts as credit toward a degree or certificate.

MODULE (MOD)—Shorter, intensive classes that have the same content and carry the same credit as semester-length classes—Semester MOD courses are usually eight weeks long. Summer MODs are usually four weeks long.

SEMESTER—A 16-week period of time during which classes meet—the last week is used for final exams. Fall semester begins in August and concludes in mid-December. Spring semester begins in mid-January and concludes in early May. The college also offers an eight-week summer session.

SHORT SEMESTER—12-week courses beginning four weeks after the start of the spring and fall semesters, but concluding at the same time; include the same content, classroom hours and credit hours as 16-week courses, in an accelerated format.

WITHDRAWAL FROM A COURSE—If a student has registered for a course and no longer wishes to take the course, the student must complete the correct withdrawal form in the Admission and Registration Office. Students who do not complete the withdrawal process may receive an F grade for these courses. Be sure to check the calendar in this catalog for withdrawal dates.