Grade Review

Any student who feels that a final grade has been unfairly or inappropriately assigned may request a grade review. Every effort should be made to resolve the issue informally before pursuing the formal grade review process. This procedure is not intended for reviewing the professional judgment of faculty regarding the assessment of the quality of work of their students and shall not abridge, circumvent nor diminish academic freedom in any way.

Reviews are appropriately claimed, but not limited to, allegations such as the following:

  • assignment of grades on the basis of factors or by methods not stipulated in the course syllabus;
  • errors in the calculation or recording of course grades;
  • inconsistency in the assignment of course grades; and
  • assignment of grades on the basis of factors unrelated to academic performance or quality of work in a course (Board Policy 4.14).

For a copy of the Grade Review Procedure, contact Academic Services at 217-786-2212 or an LLCC department dean/associate dean.