English Placement

English 101

Students, if you have a HS GPA of 2.7 or higher you do not need to take the English placement test, you are eligible to register for English 101.

Student, if you have a ACT score of 18 or higher  you do not need to take the English Placement test, you are eligible to register for English 101.

Students, if you have an SAT score of 480 or higher you do not need to take the English placement test, you are eligible to register for English 101.

Students, if you received your GED after 2016 and you scored a 175 on the Reasoning through Language Arts then you may register for EGL 101

Student, who score between 5-8 on the ACCUPLACER test may register for EGL 101

English 100/101

Students, if you have a HS GPA of 1.99 to 2.699,  or ACT score between 13-17,  or SAT score 460-476  you are eligible to register for EGL 100/101, or you may take the ACCUPLACER Write Placer Plus test to place into EGL 101.

Students, if you received your GED after 2016 and scored between 145-175 then you are eligible to register  for EGL 100/101, or you may take the ACCUPLACER Write Placer Plus test to place into EGL 101.

Students who score 3-4 on the ACCUPLACER test will need  register for EGL 100/101 or may retest with permission from your student success coach.

English 100/101 plus reading

Student, if you have a HS GPA of <1.89 , an ACT < 12, SAT 200- 459 you may register for EGL 100/101 plus reading, or you may take the ACCUPLACER Write Placer Plus test to place into EGL 101.

Students, if you received your GED after 2016 and scored between <144  then you may register for EGL 100/101 plus reading, or you may take the ACCUPLACER Write Placer Plus test to place into EGL 101.

Students who score 1-2 on the ACCUPLACER test will need to register for EGL 100/101 plus reading. You may retest once with permission from your student success coach.

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