Student Rights and Responsibilities

Students shall have all the rights and privileges provided by federal, state and local statute or rule, including but not limited to freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of assembly (Board Policy 5.4).

Student Conduct

Students at Lincoln Land Community College assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the mission of the college as an educational institution. Student conduct at the college, or at any college-sponsored activity, shall be governed by federal, state and local statutes and board policy. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the catalog and student handbook. Any and all conduct which adversely affects a student's responsible membership in the college community shall result in the appropriate disciplinary action.

Complaints of intimidation against students on the basis of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, handicap, creed, religion, marital status or national origin should be reported to the vice president of Student Services (Board Policy 5.36).

The Student Code of Conduct has been established to maintain order on campus and to guarantee the broadest range of freedom for all who come to learn at the college. Each student is responsible for knowledge of and compliance with the Student Code of Conduct:

  1. Students shall exhibit integrity and honesty. They shall refrain from cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty and shall be truthful in the information they provide to the College and their representation of College documents, records, or identification to others.
  2. Students shall abide by federal, state, and local statutes and LLCC Board policy.
  3. Students shall exhibit respect for themselves, others, and the property of others. They shall also respect the rights of others to hold and express differing viewpoints from their own. They shall contribute to an educational environment free of harassment, intimidation, and other behaviors that threaten the well-being of themselves or others.
  4. Students shall comply with the directions of College officials acting in the performance of their duties.
  5. Students shall maintain an environment free from illegal drugs and unauthorized alcohol.

Students may obtain due process procedures from the vice president of Student Services.

Suspension From Class

A student's opportunity to participate in class may be suspended by the instructor for intentional obstruction or disruption of teaching. A faculty-imposed suspension shall continue until the suspended student meets with the appropriate staff responsible for student services administration. In certain praxis (e.g. nursing or other allied health clinicals) a student’s participation may also be suspended if his/her actions pose an immediate danger to others, regardless of intention (Board Policy 5.41).

Disciplinary Suspension or Expulsion

A student may be suspended from the college (leave the college for a specified time) if the student's conduct is judged to be detrimental to the general welfare of the college (as defined on Board Policy 5.36), or interferes with the orderly and proper operation of the college. Prior to suspension a student shall be given oral or written notice of the cause(s) for suspension and shall be offered the opportunity to discuss the situation with the appropriate college officer.

The president or vice presidents may suspend a student and recommend to the Board expulsion (permanent banishment from the college) if, in their judgment, the student's conduct is detrimental to the general welfare of the college and its students or employees, or interferes with the orderly and proper operation of the college. The student will be given written notice of the cause(s) for the suspension and recommended expulsion, and will be given the opportunity to appeal such action at the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. The suspension will remain in effect until the Board of Trustees takes action regarding the recommendation for expulsion. (Board Policy 5.37)

Student Grievances and Appeals

The college shall ensure that students be served equitably and appropriately at all times. Any student who feels unfairly or inappropriately treated is encouraged to pursue resolution through this policy. Every effort should be made to resolve the issues informally before pursuing formal petition and hearing mechanisms.

Grievances are appropriately claimed with regard to, but are not limited to, allegations of the following nature:

  • a violation of rules and/or procedures of the college;
  • arbitrary or capricious action by a college employee;
  • improper removal from the college or a program of the college for academic reasons;
  • improper denial of admission or re-admission to the college or a program of the college;
  • inaccurate or inappropriate information contained in the student’s record; and
  • improper suspension from the college for disciplinary reasons.

Complaints regarding the assignment of course grades should be made in accordance with the college’s Grade Review policy and are not subject to this Student Grievance and Appeal Procedure.

Complaints of discrimination toward students on the basis of race, age, handicap, creed, religion, marital status, national origin or gender should be reported to the appropriate college officials in accordance with the college’s non-discrimination policy (in the front of the catalog) and are not subject to this Student Grievance and Appeal procedure.

Complaints of sexual harassment toward students should be reported to the appropriate college officials in accordance with the College’s Sexual Harassment policy and are not subject to this Student Grievance and Appeal procedure.

This policy is not intended for reviewing the professional judgment of faculty regarding the assessment of the quality of work of their students and shall not abridge, circumvent nor diminish academic freedom in any way (Board Policy 5.40).

Student Grievances and Appeals Procedure

(Not applicable to course grade review)

In accordance with college policy, the following procedures will be used:


A "grievance" is defined for the application of this policy to be a complaint alleging that a student's rights have been abridged through any of the allegations listed in Policy 5.40. A "grievant" must be a student of the college and is the person making the complaint, except in the case of a prospective or former student grieving admission, re-admission or suspension decisions. "Other party" is the college person(s) or condition against whom the complaint is filed. "Person directly involved" means the grievant(s), the other party, and those who make the decision regarding the grievance. "The committee" refers in this section to the Student Grievance and Appeal Committee. "Business days" shall exclude Saturdays, Sundays and holidays approved by the Board of Trustees.

Grievance Process (Informal):

  1. Where possible, it is expected that a grievant's first attempt is to resolve his/her complaint informally through direct conversation with the other party.
  2. If the grievant cannot obtain satisfactory results from such a conference, he/she should then discuss the complaint with the appropriate supervisor. The supervisor is expected to investigate the complaint(s) and try to achieve a resolution.
  3. If the grievant is dissatisfied with these results, he/she may then discuss the complaint with the appropriate vice president. The vice president's decision is final for the informal process. If the grievant is dissatisfied with the outcome, he/she may then proceed to the formal grievance process.

Grievance Process (Formal):

  1. If satisfactory resolution cannot be reached through the informal grievance process, and if the grievant wishes to pursue a formal complaint, the grievant should write a letter (petition of grievance) to the supervisor of the college employee charged in the grievance. This letter should be as detailed as possible in explaining the reason(s) for the grievance.
  2. The supervisor shall review the case, consulting with the persons directly involved, and shall respond to the grievant in writing within 10 business days of receipt of the letter.
  3. If the grievant is not satisfied with the outcome of Step 2, he/she may request a hearing before the Student Grievance and Appeal Committee. Such request must be submitted in writing to the vice president who supervises the organizational unit of the employee who is charged in the grievance. The request must be submitted within 10 business days of receipt of the supervisor's response in Step 2. The vice president shall then notify the Student Grievance and Appeal Committee chairperson of the request for a hearing, and the chairperson shall then convene the committee as soon as possible, but with due consideration for making the time as convenient as possible for the parties involved. The committee shall review the case and issue a recommendation to the vice president, who may accept or reject it and implement an alternative course of action. The student will be notified of the committee’s recommendation and the vice president’s decision.
  4. A student may appeal the vice president's decision to the college president within 10 business days of receiving notice of the committee's decision.
  5. The president's decision shall be final in the grievance and appeal process.

Student Grievance and Appeal Committee Structure:

The Student Grievance and Appeal Committee shall be drawn from a pool constituted by the Governance Council and appointed annually by the president. Prospective student members shall be recommended by the Student Senate, instructional faculty members by the Faculty Senate, and administrators by the vice president of Student Services. For any given hearing, members of the committee shall be drawn from the pool so as to achieve the following representation:

  • three students
  • three full-time instructional faculty members; and
  • three administrators.

None of the voting committee members shall be part of the chain of command involved in the grievance/appeal. The vice president of Student Services shall serve as the non-voting chair/facilitator of the committee.

Due Process Rights:

Lincoln Land Community College believes completely in ensuring the due process rights of students in addressing complaints about college actions and decisions. Due process guidelines are as follows:

  1. All complaints should be resolved as quickly as feasible, while ensuring due deliberation.
  2. All conferences or hearings conducted as a part of the process should be held at a time and place that affords all involved a fair and equitable opportunity for representation.
  3. All relevant records and pertinent information is made available to all parties, with due regard for legal constraints on disclosure of personal records of parties not directly involved in the case. Any request for records and information must allow time for processing.
  4. All proceedings will be held confidential.
  5. A complaint may be withdrawn at any time by the grievant.
  6. No reprisals shall be taken by trustees, administrators, faculty, or staff against any student bringing a complaint or participating in a grievance.
  7. Participants in a conference or hearing shall be limited to involved parties.
  8. The student shall have the opportunity to present witnesses who are knowledgeable of the situation in question. The Student Grievance and Appeal Committee shall determine the appropriateness of the witness.

The student has the right to have a personal advisor present during the hearing. The student may confer with the advisor; however, the advisor shall not be permitted to speak or ask questions during the hearing.