Philosophy of General Education

Lincoln Land Community College is dedicated to providing educational and cultural opportunities for the citizens of the district. The General Education curriculum provides students with a broad knowledge base, develops skills necessary to function effectively in society, and demonstrates the value of lifelong learning. Particular attention is paid to developing competencies in the following areas.

I. Critical Thinking

II. Cultural and Global Awareness

III. Information Fluency

IV. Communication

V. Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning

VI. Technology Competency

General Education Learning Outcomes

I. Critical Thinking

Students will be able to demonstrate their analytical reasoning abilities to interpret, evaluate and synthesize information.

II. Cultural and Global Awareness

Students will develop a set of skills that support effective and appropriate interaction on a variety of cultural contexts. Students will be able to critically analyze and engage with complex global systems.

III. Information Fluency

Students will be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use information from various print and electronic sources. An information fluent student understands the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and can access and use information ethically and legally.

IV. Communication

Students will be able to read, write, speak and listen effectively as individuals and in teams.

V. Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning

Students will be able to utilize the scientific method and quantitative mathematical reasoning skills to solve problems.

VI. Technology Competency

Students will be able to identify, compare and utilize appropriate technological applications.