Community Services

LLCC meets the diversity of lifelong learning in our community in a variety of ways. Educational and service opportunities for all ages are offered through adult education and literacy, and non-credit learning opportunities for adults, youth and senior citizens. Such activities take place on campus, in LLCC Outreach Centers around the district, and at other key locations as necessary.

Adult Education and Literacy

LLCC Adult Education is a program administered throughout the LLCC district. The educational services provided include Adult Basic Education (ABE), High School Equivalency (GED), English Language Acquisition (ELA), vocational and employability skills training, bridge programming and literacy tutoring. All adult education classes are designed for students 17 years of age or older who are not enrolled in regular high school classes. For more information call 217-786-2349 or visit

Community Education

Community-based programs address student learning at all ages. LLCC has something for everyone, offering a variety of programming in a multitude of settings.

Early learners are introduced to LLCC through Youth Enrichment Services programming, including the annual summer College for Kids. Adult learners of all ages are able to participate in an array of non-credit classes, workshops, events and travel opportunities as they pursue personal interests by enrolling in short-term Community Learning courses. More than 400 offerings are scheduled on the Springfield campus, at outreach locations and at other sites throughout the district each year.

Additionally, senior students (50 years of age and older) can fulfill personal learning goals for enrichment and socialization by becoming members of the Academy of Lifelong Learning at LLCC. Through the Academy, seniors are able to take advantage of more than 12 free learning opportunities each month.

Lincoln Land Community College is also an approved provider of several Road Scholar/Elderhostel experiences each year, which helps the profile and the economic development of the Springfield area by bringing people from all over the United States to Springfield for in-depth studies about the life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln, prairie architecture and other topics of regional scope.

LLCC Foundation

The mission of the LLCC Foundation is cultivating and stewarding charitable gifts to support Lincoln Land Community College students, programs and services.

LLCC has focused on academic excellence and the interest of its students since its inception in 1967. However, in order to maintain the quality of education that LLCC students have come to expect, the College looks to the LLCC Foundation to provide the margin of excellence that is needed to keep programs and services on the cutting edge. For information about the LLCC Foundation Scholarship program, see page 27, visit

The LLCC Foundation appreciates the generosity of those who contribute. There are many ways in which donors positively affect the lives of our students. Whether choosing to make a gift or pledge to our annual fund, remembering LLCC in your will, making a memorial or tribute gift, or establishing a scholarship, community friends provide important resources that support the advancement of the educational and capital needs of Lincoln Land Community College.

LLCC Foundation representatives are available to meet one-on-one to discuss giving wishes or explore the opportunity of including LLCC in your will or gift planning options. For more information, call 217-786-2785.