Student Clubs and Organizations

There are approximately 40 student clubs and organizations on campus addressing a variety of interests. Clubs and organizations fall under the following categories: academic excellence, academic and professional, arts and entertainment, cultural and religious, general interest, political involvement and social issues and community service. Students can request to establish new clubs on campus if it is determined there is an interest that is not currently being met by existing groups.

Bands and Orchestra

The LLCC Band is open to all students who play wind or percussion instruments. The LLCC Band also serves as a lab band for students. The LLCC Big Band and Stolen Moments Jazz Band are musical groups of limited enrollment that rehearse and perform arrangements of rock and big bands such as Stan Kenton, Count Basie and Woody Herman. They also serve as lab bands for students who wish to write original arrangements. The Big Band and Improvisational Jazz Band give several public concerts each year and, when possible, perform for area high schools.

LLCC partners with the Sangamon Valley Community Orchestra to offer college credit to musicians participating in the orchestra. Students who enroll in the orchestra class at LLCC and participate in the orchestra will receive one college credit.


The LLCC Choir presents concerts for the community and area high schools. The choir also provides entertainment for special ceremonies both on and off campus. Although the choir is open to any student, auditions are required.

Honors Program

See the Honors Program for information.

Honorary Society

Phi Theta Kappa is an international society which recognizes, promotes and honors the scholastic achievements of community college students. It also seeks to encourage service to society and the exchange of information and views among its members.

Student Government Association (SGA)

The Student Government Association (SGA) is the official governing council for the college student body and provides recognition for all student clubs and organizations on campus. SGA is comprised of 12 representatives, five officers and one student trustee. Members attend various leadership conferences and retreats each year. They also represent the student body on various institutional committees and participate in advocacy efforts for community college students. If you are interested in becoming a member of SGA or want to express any student concerns, comments or questions, call 217-786-2320, visit their website at or visit their office located in the Logger Lair (lowest level of A. Lincoln Commons).

Student Newspaper

The college produces a student newspaper, The Lamp. Students interested in being involved in the newspaper should contact The Lamp advisor at 217-786-4656.

Student Union

This area features Subway and a dining area, Student Life office and bookstore.

Student Wireless Access Program (SWAP)

Students can check out laptops in the Library for use in the Library.